How to Reach Hotel Capital O 36457 Boulevard Madiwala Bangalore

In this article, you will know all the transport modes to reach hotel capital o 36457 boulevard madiwala bangalore.

Let’s get started…

Local Bus:

  1. Bangalore has an extensive bus network operated by the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC).
  2. Locate the nearest bus stop to your starting point.
  3. Check the bus routes to find one that passes through or near Madiwala.
  4. Board the bus and alight at the Madiwala bus stop.


  1. Bangalore Metro offers rapid transit across the city.
  2. If there’s a metro station near your starting point, consider taking the metro to reach Madiwala.
  3. Check the metro routes to find a line that passes through Madiwala Station.
  4. Board the metro and alight at Madiwala Station.


  1. Auto-rickshaws are a convenient mode of transport in Bangalore.
  2. You can hail an auto-rickshaw from the roadside or a designated stand.
  3. Provide the driver with the address of Hotel Capital O 36457 Boulevard in Madiwala.


  1. Taxis are readily available in Bangalore through various apps or by hailing them from the street.
  2. Use a taxi-hailing app like Uber or Ola, or simply flag down a taxi.
  3. Provide the driver with the address of Hotel Capital O 36457 Boulevard.

Personal Vehicle:

  1. If you have access to a personal vehicle or rental car, you can drive to Hotel Capital O 36457 Boulevard.
  2. Use GPS navigation to guide you to Madiwala.
  3. Pay attention to parking availability at or near the hotel.


  1. Bangalore offers motorcycle and scooter rental services.
  2. Rent a motorcycle or scooter and ride to Madiwala.
  3. Follow traffic rules and use navigation apps if needed.

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